The Justice Education Society of British Columbia (JES) is a non-profit organization with over 30 years of experience providing public legal education and justice system capacity building in Canada and overseas. In Canada, the Society helps more than 700,000 British Columbians learn about our justice system and address their legal issues. Internationally, JES has programs in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama and Guyana which work with national institutions to strengthen justice systems, access to justice and citizen security.

In BC we help the public by providing legal education and information. Our websites provide guidance to those dealing with dispute and our online courses help separating couples and those renting in BC. We run workshops and webinars for the immigrant and Indigenous groups, Anyone can get answers to their legal questions by using our Ask JES phone and chat service.

JES has been running programing for schools and students for over 30 years and has provided legal education to over 1 million students in BC. Our focus is on increasing the legal capability of youth. We provide legal education sessions to students, teaching resources and curriculum, and youth oriented legal education websites.
More information on JES is available at: