Book Your Court Visit
JES offers in-person court visits to school and community groups in courthouses across BC. Court visits allow students to engage with our justice system and see the law in action. Each year JES helps thousands of students increase their legal capability and deepen their understanding of our justice system.
Our group visits usually provide one hour of legal education and court orientation, the opportunity to observe live court cases, and a short debrief. Some sessions will also offer a legal professional guest speaker. We ask that you please review the court protocols before you visit the courts. Review Court Protocol.
Please select the location you wish to visit:
Vancouver (800 Hornby Street)
At this location, you can see Provincial Court, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeal cases.
Book nowVancouver Criminal Court (222 Main Street)
At this location, you can visit the BC Provincial Court that only hears criminal cases.
Book nowVictoria (850 Burdett Ave)
At this location, you can see Provincial Court, Supreme Court, and Court of Appeal cases.
Book nowOther
We offer a virtual education session for our non-staffed locations. After participating in our virtual sessions we can assist in coordinating a court visit. If you can question please contact lawlessons@justiceeducation.ca
Book now