BC Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 7

What are the benefits and challenges of a nation having two forms of leadership?

  • I can name a similarity and a difference between hereditary and elected chiefs.
  • I can consider the benefits and challenges of hereditary and elected leadership.
  • I can explain how BC first nations came to have two forms of leadership 

What aspects of ancient legal systems can be seen in our current world?

  • I can name legal milestones from a variety of ancient civilizations.
  • I can consider the ways that ancient laws continue to influence us today.
  • I can explain how there are consequences for our decisions and actions.

How should we resolve competing claims of ownership over artifacts and cultural sites?

  • I can describe the steps I would take if I discovered an artifact.
  • What factors would I consider when making a judgement about how archaeologists work with First Nations?
  • I can explain why it is important to protect archaeology sites and involve First Peoples in archaeological research.

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