BC Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 6

How can we resolve conflicts peacefully?

  • I can participate in discussions and collaborate to complete tasks related to peaceful problem solving.
  • I can consider ways to resolve conflicts with my family and friends, within my community, and in the world.
  • I can connect my beliefs and choices to perspectives on the Great Bear Rainforest Agreement.

How do the Canadian and American Systems of Government compare?

  • I can explain how Canada’s system of government differs from the United States
  • I can analyze the benefits and problems of different systems of government
  • I can interact in a group and achieve consensus on an issue.

Who benefits from the different forms of governance and decision-making?

  • I can share my learning about governance structures through discussion.
  • I can think critically about court decisions.
  • I value generational roles in a community and reflect on my own community and identity.

How does the media influence public perception?How can we determine if a media source is trustworthy?

  • I can use oral communication skills to share my understanding of reliable media sources with small groups and the whole class.
  • I can create arguments defending perspectives presented by media sources.
  • I can demonstrate ethical judgments and responses about media and coverage of current events.

What are the causes of poverty and inequality?

  • I can share my ideas about how to reduce poverty.
  • I can check information, assess my thinking, and develop reasoned conclusions about the causes and consequences of poverty.
  • I can describe how aspects of my life experiences, family history, background, and where I live (or have lived) have influenced my understanding of poverty.

How does the United Nations protect human rights?

  • I can name 3 human rights and 3 indigenous rights.
  • I can reflect on reasons that indigenous rights are necessary.
  • I can explain why it’s necessary to have more than one international document protecting rights.

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