BC Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 11

How are youth offenders treated differently than adult offenders?

  • Students can collaborate effectively with others to deliver and present knowledge about the Youth Criminal Justice Act. 
  • Students can challenge assumptions and reflect on views on youth offenders from throughout the learning experience.
  • Students can demonstrate empathy, personal responsibility, and listening skills during the restorative justice circle activity

How is poverty linked to privilege and power imbalances in society?

  • I am able to define poverty and describe how it impacts individual lives.
  • I can analyze consequences of injustices and power imbalances which lead to poverty in our society.
  • I can elaborate on my potential to bring about awareness of poverty and initiate change to current systems that promote inequality.

What have been the turning points for women’s rights in Canada?

  • I can identify Canadian women who were trailblazers for women’s rights
  • I can analyze significant turning points in women’s rights in Canada.
  • I can explain what needs to be done to remove barriers to gender equality in Canada today.

How have past governments of Canada used laws to discriminate against Canadian citizens?

  • I can describe how the War Measures Act discriminated against some Canadians based on their race, ethnicity, religion, and political beliefs.
  • I can make judgements about past discriminatory policies and assess how current legislation protects rights and freedoms.
  • I can explain the importance of balancing individual rights with the need to protect security and order.

What are the costs and benefits of free trade for Canada?

  • I can name the major trade agreements that Canada is involved in.
  • I can consider the pros and cons of free trade from different points of view. 
  • I can respectfully and thoughtfully debate the costs and benefits of Canada’s involvement in free trade agreements

Was the residential school system a well-meaning mistake or was it a shameful abuse of power? 

  • I can discuss the importance of knowing about residential schools. 
  • I can determine the most significant events in the history of the residential school system in Canada.
  • I can explain why it is important to redress a wrong even if it happened many years prior.

How do a country’s laws and policies reflect its values?

  • I can summarize how Canadian immigration policies have changed over time.
  • I can explain the importance of the Komagata Maru Incident and its significance in Canadian history

How might specific examples of past incidents of inequality be handled today under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

  • I can describe historic discriminatory policies towards ethnic minorities and First Peoples in Canada.
  • I can analyze ways the Canadian government justified discriminatory policies.
  • I can explain how the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects Canadians and reflects our values.

How do the ideas of the Enlightenment continue to influence us today?

  • I can describe natural rights
  • I can determine the most significant change that resulted from the Enlightenment
  • I can explain how the ideas of the Enlightenment affect me today.

How do Western and Eastern social structures and rights compare? 

  • I can describe what life was like in medieval Japan and Europe.
  • I can analyze social structures and rights in feudal Japan and Europe.
  • I can determine whether European feudalism or Japanese feudalism was more fair and provide evidence to support my point of view.

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