BC Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 10

How have landmark Supreme Court of Canada decisions impacted the lives of Indigenous peoples?

  • I can name three landmark Supreme Court of Canada decisions regarding Indigenous land rights.
  • I can explain what makes the cases significant.
  • I can imagine the impact of these cases on future generations.

How does Medieval legal history help us understand the origins of our current legal system?

  • I can explain how aspects of our criminal justice system began in Medieval times.
  • I can analyze how the Magna Carta continues to influence the world today.
  • I can compare my world view and beliefs with those of Medieval times.

How can we resolve conflicts peacefully?

  • I can participate in discussions and collaborate to complete tasks related to peaceful problem solving.
  • I can consider ways to resolve conflicts with my family and friends, within my community, and in the world.
  • I can connect my beliefs and choices to perspectives on the Great Bear Rainforest Agreement.

To what extent do countries have the responsibility (humanitarian and/or legal) to take in and/or aid refugees?

  • I can name relevant international laws and treaties relevant to refugees, and summarize the origins of the Indo-China refugee crisis.
  • I can explain the widespread effects of the Indo-China refugee crisis and understand how and why certain nations would have responded in the way they did.
  • I can consider how a nation’s response to refugees reflects its values, and how a refugee crisis can affect a nation politically, socially, and economically.

To what extent do countries have the responsibility (humanitarian and/or legal) to take in and/or aid refugees?

  • I can name relevant international laws and treaties relevant to refugees, and summarize the origins of the Indo-China refugee crisis.
  • I can explain the widespread effects of the Indo-China refugee crisis and understand how and why certain nations would have responded in the way they did.
  • I can consider how a nation’s response to refugees reflects its values, and how a refugee crisis can affect a nation politically, socially, and economically.

How has the Canadian government’s relationship with First Peoples regarding treaties changed or stayed the same?

  • I can describe how Canadian treaties are complex agreements between Indigenous people and the Canadian Government.
  • I can critically analyze whether the terms in a treaty were beneficial to both parties.
  • I can apply my learning to work towards reconciliation with Canada's Indigenous population.

How has the Canadian government’s relationship with First Peoples regarding treaties changed or stayed the same?

  • I can describe how Canadian treaties are complex agreements between Indigenous people and the Canadian Government.
  • I can critically analyze whether the terms in a treaty were beneficial to both parties.
  • I can apply my learning to work towards reconciliation with Canada's Indigenous population.

Which level of government has the most effect on your daily life?

  • I can summarize the responsibilities of government.
  • I can distinguish between key roles within provincial, territorial, and federal governments in Canada.
  • I can recognize and appreciate the impact of government in my daily life.

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