BC Social Studies Lesson Plans
Grade 5

What were the most significant turning points for gaining rights for women in Canada?

  • I can identify Canadian women who were trailblazers for women’s rights.
  • I can analyze significant turning points in women’s rights in Canada.
  • I can explain why it’s important for women to have equal rights.

How fair has BC’s treaty process been?

  • I can explain what a treaty is and why nations sign treaties.
  • I can consider the impact of the fact that BC has very few treaties.
  • I can reflect on the importance of treaty negotiations to First Nations and British Columbia as a whole.

How did the building of the railway change Canada?

  • I can tell the story of the Canadian Pacific Railway using 5W+H.
  • I can consider the impact of building the railway on Chinese workers and Indigenous peoples.
  • I can explain how the railway united Canadians and shaped our identity.


Was joining Canada the best decision for BC?

  • I can tell the story of how BC became part of Canada.
  • I can analyze the causes and consequences of BC joining Canada.
  • I can consider why we celebrate Canada Day.

How did colonization change how First Nations people made a living?

  • I can describe how First Peoples contributed to the economic development of BC.
  • I can explain the impact of colonization on the ways First Peoples made a living.
  • I can consider how work is connected to identity.

How did a democratic self-government unite diverse nations in the Haudenosaunee Confederacy?

  • I can name the Six Nations and show their traditional territory on a map.
  • I can ask questions and draw conclusions about the Confederacy and the symbols that represent Iroquois values.
  • I can practice cooperation when I work with others and use consensus to solve a problem.

How do my decisions affect those around me?

  • I can explain why communities have rules and laws.
  • I can reflect on my rights and responsibilities.
  • I can describe how my decisions impact my community.

How did gold rushes affect the population of British Columbia?

  • I can explain how gold attracted people to BC.
  • I can analyze the impact of gold rushes on the people, environment, economy, and politics of BC.
  • I can share my ideas about how gold rushes impacted First Peoples and increased the diversity of people in our province.

In what ways do international organizations and international law affect global change? 

  • I can effectively use presentation skills to communicate and analyze the role of global dispute resolution agencies in international human rights and economic development issues.
  • I can evaluate facts, identify critical questions, and challenge assumptions and ideas to draw conclusions about the role and impact of global dispute agencies and courts. 
  • I can employ social awareness and responsibility by engaging in respectful discussion and exchanging ideas with my peers.

How are appeals determined and how can appeals lead to changes in precedent? 

  • I can communicate and collaborate with my peers to review the process of appeals in Supreme Court of Canada cases. 
  • I can critically analyze Supreme Court decisions and identify their implications for the Canadian public.
  • I can take responsibility for my role in researching and sharing information to my group.

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