BC Social Studies Lesson Plans

Global dispute agencies and courts

Law 12


Global dispute agencies and courts

Big Idea

A society’s laws and legal framework affect many aspects of people’s daily lives.

Essential Question

In what ways do international organizations and international law affect global change?

Learning Standards Content

Students are expected to know the following:

  • Structures and roles of global dispute agencies and courts
    • International Court of Justice
    • World Trade Organization
    • United Nations

Curricular Competencies

Students are expected to be able to do the following:

  • Assess and compare the significance and impact of legal systems or codes
    • Analyze the role of global dispute resolution institutions and agencies in international human rights and economic development issues
    • Analyze the role of the International Court of Justice (the World Court) at The Hague in cases involving human rights abuses

Core Competencies

I can effectively use presentation skills to communicate and analyze the role of global dispute resolution agencies in international human rights and economic development issues.

I can evaluate facts, identify critical questions, and challenge assumptions and ideas to draw conclusions about the role and impact of global dispute agencies and courts.

I can employ social awareness and responsibility by engaging in respectful discussion and exchanging ideas with my peers.

First People's Principles of Learning

Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.
  • Provide each student with a copy of the “Placemat Graphic Organizer”.
  • The teacher will project three images of selected global dispute agencies and courts (The International Court of Justice, The World Trade Organization, and the United Nations).
  • For each image, students have 20-30 seconds to write down any and all words that come to mind in one of the three placemat sections. These words may be based on prior knowledge or may simply describe the image. They should use one section per image, leaving the middle section blank.
  • Students will move into groups of 3. Each group will have paper copies of the three images.
  • Groups will have a 10 minute “Buzz Session” - an activity where the focus is discussion and collaboration.  Each student will share their words and ideas for each image. Each student may add new words in their placemat section as others share
  • Once everyone has shared their ideas, students will use the middle space of the placemat organizer to write words or ideas or a common theme between the images.
  • Groups come back together as a class. The teacher will project the first image, and one member of each group will share some of the words they wrote down (about 15-20 seconds per student).
  • After everyone has shared words for the first image, the teacher will project the image with a caption and explain some of the context behind the image.
  • Repeat for all images.
  • Taking turns to share, discuss the common themes behind the images.
  • Introduce the essential question: “In what ways do international organizations and international law affect global change?”
  • Students will have 15 minutes to write a journal entry answering the essential question. They may use prior knowledge and/or educated guesses.

Part 1: Notetaking

  • Introduce the three organizations through the following three videos:


Part 2: Discussion

  • Using a Fishbowl strategy facilitate a discussion of the global dispute agencies. Organize students so that 1/3 are in the inner circle (the speakers) and 2/3 are in the outer circle (the listeners.)
  • After discussing an organization rotate students so a new group is in the inner circle. Repeat for each of the three organizations.
  • Debrief the discussion by asking:
    • What did you observe during the discussion of the text?
    • What is one thing you heard that you agree with?
    • What is one thing you heard that you disagree with?
    • How did you feel while on the outside of the fishbowl?
    • How did you feel while on the inside of the fishbowl?

Part 3: Presentations

  • Students will work in a group to analyze the role of global dispute resolution institutions and agencies in international human rights and economic development issues. They will present their findings to the class through a digital presentation.
  • Provide students with the handout “Presentation: The Role of Global Dispute Agencies”.
  • You may want to provide students with the exemplar presentation on the International Court of Justice to guide their work.
  • Have students present their findings to the class through a digital presentation.
  • Assess the presentations using the “Presentation Rubric”.
  • Law 12 students can collaborate with an Economics 12 class to develop an understanding of trade agreements and disputes. Economics 12 students will first teach a lesson on the WTO and trade agreements. Afterwards, the Law 12 students will teach a lesson on the role of the ICJ in economic disputes.
  • Law 12 students can develop and teach a lesson to Social Studies 6 students about the role of the United Nations.


“Building Trade Capacity.” [n.d.] World Trade Organization, World Trade Organization. https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/devel_e/build_tr_capa_e.htm


Crook, John R. 2004. “The International Court of Justice and Human Rights,” 1 Nw. J. Hum. Rts. 1.


Dag Hammarskjold Library. 2020. “UN Documentation: International Law.” United Nationshttps://research.un.org/en/docs/law/courts 


International Criminal Court. [n.d.] https://www.icc-cpi.int/


International Court of Justice. 2021. “List of All Cases.” International Court of Justice.  https://www.icj-cij.org/en/list-of-all-cases

United Nations. [n.d.] “International Law and Justice.” United Nations.


United Nations. [n.d.] “Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” United Nations. https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/

United Nations. [n/d/] ‘’Our Work’’ United Nations. https://www.un.org/en/our-work

World Trade Organization. 2021. “World Trade Organization - Global Trade.” World Trade Organization. https://www.wto.org/

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March 01, 2023

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