Mock Trials

Luke Skywalker is charged with the destruction of the Death Star and the murder of 5999 people who were on the Death Star at the time. The Emperor, Darth Vadar and a Storm Trooper will testify for the Crown and Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo and Princess Leia will testify for the defence.

Tarzan is charged with unlawfully kidnapping, confining and imprisoning Jane Shepard. Clayton Shepard (Jane’s father), Professor Porter and Jane will testify for the Crown and Tantor, Turk and Tarzan will testify for the defence.

Civil Trial: Humpty Dumpty who took a fall off the King’s broken down wall is suing the King for the personal injuries he suffered as a result of his fall. The issue is whether the King was negligent for not keeping the wall in good repair. Humpty Dumpty, Dr. Beaten Eggs and Old Man Haggis will testify for the plaintiff and the King, Squire Fanmoth and Sir Warthead will testify for the defendant.

Criminal Trial: Baljinder is being charged with aggravated assault and uttering threats. Mark is being charged with aggravated assault. Sean, the victim and his girlfriend, Sarah and Constable Lee testify for the Crown and Ali, Baljinder’s best friend, Mark and Baljinder testify for the defence. Fingerprint and blood analysis evidence is presented in this case.

Civil Trial: The plaintiff suffered injuries while dirt biking in a gravel pit owned by the defendant and is suing for damages. The issue is whether Fraser Sand and Gravel Ltd acted negligently when they removed half a hill which contained a biking path. The plaintiff, a Motor Cross coach and a friend of the plaintiff will testify for the plaintiff and an employee, the owner of the gravel pit and a Motor Cross expert will testify for the defendant.